Sunday, May 24, 2020

Jonathan Swift on Style - Keeping It Simple

Other writers agree: that wise guy of English prose, Jonathan Swift, knew a thing or two about good style: Swifts style is, in its line, perfect; the manner is a complete expression of the matter, the terms appropriate, and the artifice concealed. It is simplicity in the true sense of the word.(Samuel Coleridge, Lecture on Style, 1818)No better style in English prose was ever written, or can be.(William Dean Howells, Preface, Gullivers Travels, 1913)Swift, the greatest writer of English prose, and the greatest man who has ever written great English prose.  (T.S. Eliot, The Varieties of Metaphysical Poetry, 1926) So when the author of Gullivers Travels and A Modest Proposal offers some free advice on writing, we probably ought to pay attention. Lets start with his famous definition of style as proper words in proper places. Short and sweet. But then, we might ask, whos to say whats proper? And just what does Swifts maxim really mean? To find out, lets return to the source. Swifts cryptic definition of style appears in the essay Letter to a Young Gentleman Lately Entered Into Holy Orders (1721). There he identifies clarity, directness, and freshness of expression as the chief qualities of a proper style: And truly, as they say a man is known by his company, so it should seem that a mans company may be known by his means of expressing himself, either in public assemblies or private conversations.It would be endless to run over the several defects of style among us. I shall therefore say nothing of the mean and paltry (which are usually attended by the fustian), much less of the slovenly or indecent. Two things I will just warn you against: the first is, the frequency of flat unnecessary epithets; and the other is, the folly of using old threadbare phrases, which will often make you go out of your way to find and apply them, are nauseous to rational hearers, and will seldom express your meaning as well as your own natural words.Although, as I have already observed, our English tongue is too little cultivated in this kingdom, yet the faults are, nine in ten, owing to affectation, and not to the want of understanding. When a mans thoughts are clear, the properest words will generally off er themselves first, and his own judgment will direct him in what order to place them so as they may be best understood. Where men err against this method, it is usually on purpose, and to show their learning, their oratory, their politeness, or their knowledge of the world. In short, that simplicity without which no human performance can arrive to any great perfection is nowhere more eminently useful than in this. Always think of your audience, Swift advises, and dont baffle them with obscure terms and hard words. Lawyers, surgeons, clergy, and especially academics should avoid using jargon when communicating with outsiders. I know not how it comes to pass, he says, that professors in most arts and sciences are generally the worst qualified to explain their meaning to those who are not of their tribe. One of the wittiest writers in the English language, Swift understood that his gift was rare: I cannot forbear warning you, in the most earnest manner, against endeavoring at wit in your sermons, because by the strictest computation it is very near a million to one that you have none; and because too many of your calling have consequently made themselves everlastingly ridiculous by attempting it. In other words, dont try to be a joker if you cant tell a joke. And at all times, keep it simple. Sound advice, right? But keeping it simple—putting proper words in proper places—is a lot harder than it sounds. As Sir Walter Scott once said, Swifts style seems so simple that one would think any child might write as he does, and yet if we try we find to our despair that it is impossible (quoted in The Cambridge History of English and American Literature).

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Dream Sequence From The Big Lebowski - 1432 Words

The Gutterballs dream sequence from The Big Lebowski incorporates images that stem from experiences earlier in the movie: each image is a memory from The Dude s real life. The dream strips the dream-thoughts of their high intensity and transfers them to these images that, due to overdetermination, have intensity values higher than what they originally were: a transference and displacement of physical intensities occurs†¦ and it is as a result that the difference between the text of the dream-content and that of the dream-thoughts comes about (Freud 820). The dream, through the process of condensation, compresses all meaning from the unconscious mind into the images shown (Freud 819) and links them together in an attempt to convey the dream-wish that lies at the centre of the dream-thoughts. By unravelling the dream-thoughts, the viewer is able to recognize that Maude represents women in Gutterballs and The Dude s desire for comfortableness with the reality of female genitalia, b ut remains inaccessible due the fear of castration that comes with the confrontation of a woman s lack of a phallus. Thus, The Dude requires the fetishizing of bowling in order to access Maude and her symbolic meaning. The manifest content of the dream, the physical images of the dream, are highly overdetermined from an original source: multiple determination must be of importance in choosing what particular elements shall enter a dream (Freud 820). Each image seen in the dream can be tracedShow MoreRelatedThe Big Lebowski3723 Words   |  15 PagesMike Preston Lisa Hemminger Art is Film 26 February 2010 â€Å"All the Dude ever wanted was his rug back† To the casual viewer The Big Lebowski, a 1998 film written by film maker brothers Ethan and Joel Coen and directed by Joel, would appear to be a comedy rip off of the 1940’s Los Angeles detective film The Big Sleep by Howard Hawks. It features a hippie dropout from the seventies named â€Å"the Dude† (Jeff Bridges) who gets caught up with his bowler buddies Walter (John Goodman) and Donny (Steve Buscemi)

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Rhetorical Critique Essay - 1175 Words

Kimberly Huerta Frey English 102-167 January 25, 2012 A Rhetorical Critique of David Brooks â€Å"People Like Us† In David Brooks’ â€Å"People Like Us† passage on the issue of diversity, Brooks takes a personally emotional perspective of the way in which Americans don’t appreciate how diverse our nation is while â€Å"relatively homogeneous† (Brooks 136). His argument is weakened, however, through a bias and hypocrisy that his diction conveys. He claims that grouping ourselves with those who we are most alike is in our nature to, and in doing so, we separate ourselves from those who are different. Using certain statistics as evidence, Brooks points out that the social segmentation created by society will always exist. He argues that no matter†¦show more content†¦As he provides the statistic that 90 percent of professors in some universities that are â€Å"in the arts and sciences who had registered with a political party had registered Democratic† (Brooks 135), he gives the reader opportunity of debate. However they are connected with very specific s ubjects, in this case education, which does not include the amount of neighborhoods he is considering. On the other hand, supporting Brooks’ main point, the detail he provides explains to what level of diversity is not as widespread as we think it is. In Brooks’ statement, â€Å"many of us are so narrow-minded that we can’t tolerate a few people with ideas significantly different from our own† (Brooks 136), he sounds very passionate about what he is saying. I believe that when a writer becomes emotional about their argument, it is more engaging and gives the reader a reason to be convinced. Brooks begins this fundamental paragraph comparing our wish for diversity to our dream of equality. He says that both of these are â€Å"based on ideals we celebrate even as we undermine them daily† (Brooks 135). In this 21st century, one would think that equality exists everywhere, however similarly, women still get paid less than men for the same job, and dis crimination by race occurs plenty to this day. The same unawareness occurs with diversity, which we see, but by nature, we prevent it. Brooks continuously tells how terrible the situation is,Show MoreRelatedCritique of Rhetorical Appeals in A Call for Unity Essay1075 Words   |  5 Pagesexplore the various persuasive devices used by Carpenter et al.. to determine how important they are in creating a successful and convincing argument. Carpenter et al. make use of numerous persuasive techniques throughout their letter including rhetorical appeals and various claims. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The History of American Public Education Essay examples

After the American Revolutionary war, the people of the United States were responsible for determining the best course of action within the new republic. The Articles of Confederation were replaced by the new Constitution, which provided a general set of principles the government was to be guided by. This new system was a new and improved integration of historical warnings, hoping to prevent tyranny by individual or the masses and injustice. However, it quickly became apparent that a certain education was necessary to perpetuate this union. Before a new system for education could be introduced, public or private, a common goal and specifics on the different subjects to teach became a question the founding fathers and other prominent†¦show more content†¦This education focuses on the science of government and military training. This early education movement is a precedent for all moves towards public education, focusing on the necessity of education in the science of the gove rnment to preserve the union. Thomas Jefferson recognized the necessity for education as a form of national improvement. Like roads and canals, schools would unite and improve the nation, but this improvement is greater than roads. Jefferson writes in 1786, â€Å"Preach, my dear Sir, a crusade against ignorance; establish improve the law for educating the common people. Let our countrymen know that the people alone can protect us against these evils, and that the tax which will be paid for this purpose is not more than the thousandth part of what will be paid to kings, priests nobles who will rise up among us if we leave the people in ignorance.† The improvement of education would cost money, but its preventative measures against tyranny would perpetuate the union, which is of utmost importance. This â€Å"crusade against ignorance† would cost money, but it is necessary and less costly than the uprising of a tyrant. Education was not a simple way to obtain knowledge. It was theShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution Of The Education1566 Words   |  7 Pagesof Education in America Education plays the most crucial role in the quality of life any person will ever live. Before a set structure, or a standard of education was made, education was not considered a necessity. Once the importance of education was established and more people began attending school, the race to a higher education became more intense than ever. People even began saving up to send their children away from home for their best chance at succeeding in life with a good education (PublicRead MoreThe Brown v. Board of Education Court Case Essay993 Words   |  4 PagesThe Brown v. Board of Education Court Case served as a highlighted issue in black history. Brown v. Board help different races comes together in public schools. 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Project Proposal for Ministry of Trade Web Portal Free Essays

COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT PROJECT PROPOSAL FOR MINISTRY OF TRADE WEB PORTAL PRESENTED BY: RAHAB WAMBUI KIARIE REG NO: SP13/20526/08 COURSE CODE: COMP 402 PRESENTED TO: MR. OMWOYO SUBMISSION TIME: OCTOBER 2011 A project proposal submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science of Egerton University. Table of Contents ABSTRACT3 CHAPTER ONE: 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Proposal for Ministry of Trade Web Portal or any similar topic only for you Order Now 0 INTRODUCTION4 1. 1 PROBLEM STATEMENT4 1. 2 OBJECTIVES5 CHAPTER TWO: 2. 0 LITERATURE REVIEW5 2. SCOPE OF THE SYSTEM6 STARNDARD REQUIREMENT6 3. 0 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT6 3. 1) HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS6 3. 1. 1) APPLICATION PROGRAM6 3. 1. 2 Operating System6 CHAPTER FOUR: 4. 0 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS7 4. 1 PROJECT SCHEDULE AND BUDJET8 4. 1. 1 PROJECT SCHEDULE8 4. 1. 2 PROJECT BUDGET9 4. 1. 3 REFERENCES10 ? ABSTRACT As envisaged in Kenya’s vision 2030, trade will be one of the key sectors to drive economic development of our country. The sector is the link between consumption and production within the economy and contributes towards the employment and wealth creation. There are tremendous potentials for trade to play a central role in driving and sustaining growth and poverty reduction in Kenya. The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), cuts across all sectors of the Kenyan economy but face various development challenges like overreliance on agriculture which mainly depends on unpredictable weather, underdevelopment of Information, Communication and Technology and lack of market information of local goods both locally and internationally. This project will provide a solution to investors and MSMEs by providing information on the various investment opportunities available in Kenya apart from agriculture, know about the various trade policies to avoid unfair trade and also provide a platform where local companies can upload their company profiles and the ministry promotes their products at trade fairs at an international level. CHAPTER ONE: 1. 0 INTRODUCTION The Ministry of Trade’s current mandate is: Trade development policy; Development of micro and small business; Fair trade practices and consumer protection; Private sector development and international trade affairs. The ministry will champion the promotion of both domestic and foreign trade through creation of an enabling business and investment environment as highlighted in this project proposal. The purpose of this proposal is to explain in detail the aim of the project, the methods used in the implementation of the system, scope of the system and budget and time schedule for the implementation of the project. It begins with the introduction which introduces the system to be developed. The next part is the problem statement, the literature review, the scope of the system and the requirements for the system. In the scope of the system we have the system functionalities and its limitations. Since the system is to be developed within a located time frame and budget constraint, it is imperative that the proposal also contains the budget and time schedule. This explains the time schedule for the system and also the budget for the system. . 1 PROBLEM STATEMENT Kenya trade industry faces a number of challenges: unsound business regulatory framework leading to multiple licensing and heavy or cumbersome regulations for SMEs which in turn leads to high cost of business transactions; Lack of comprehensive trade information on the existing and emerging markets to investors and SMEs. Lack of sound business managerial skills and exposure to international best business practices has hampered the growth o f the MSE sector. To overcome the problem a system needs to be developed with the springboard objective of providing Kenyans with a centralized location where they can get trade information and thus lead to economic growth and realization of vision 2030. 1. 2 OBJECTIVES 1. To develop a successful Ministry of Trade web portal 2. To identify conditions for successful implementation of a new improved system. 3. To enhance access of trade information to Kenyans. CHAPTER TWO: 2. 0 LITERATURE REVIEW Having collected information on the ministry of trade I was able to define the main drawbacks associated with the services of the industry. Information sharing between the ministry and the business people is not easy. Enormous opportunities exist in the domestic, regional and international markets. These opportunities should be fully exploited through the systematic promotion of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and providing information to them. It is crucial to note that as trade becomes free and global, technological innovations will become increasingly important, offering consumers more and more options at cheaper prices in the country and all over the globe. With this system in place all the requests for trade information, will be available to recipients at any given time. Therefore potential users’ are:- oInvestors both local and international. oConsumers. oOther ministries in the government that work closely with ministry of trade. oOwners of small and medium sized businesses. 2. SCOPE OF THE SYSTEM The web portal will aid in the availing all the details of the trade industry. It will, as its name suggests, be place where the ministry can interact with the general public on matters pertaining its mode of operation. There are several issues about the system’s scope. STARNDARD REQUIREMENT The requirements include the following: 1. Computers 3. 0 SYSTEM REQUIREMENT 3. 1) Hardware requirements ?Processor â₠¬â€œ Pentium IV with 2. 0 GHz or higher ?Memory – 1GB of RAM or more ?Hard Disk size – 320 GB for host, 20 GB for client 3. 1. ) Application program Programming: PHP and JavaScript, Database design: MySQL, Interface: Macromedia Dream weaver, Macromedia fireworks, Macromedia Flash, Web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Internet explorer, Web server: Apache, System: Linux and Windows. 3. 1. 2 Operating System ?Windows XP (32-bit), Vista(32 – 64-bit), or Windows 7 (32 – 64-bit) ? Linux CHAPTER FOUR: 4. 0 DEVELOPMENT PROCESS The program development process will involve a number of steps as shown in the flow diagram below: 4. 1 PROJECT SCHEDULE AND BUDJET 4. 1. 1 Project schedule Ministry of Trade web portal is a large project that can be accomplished in a period of six months which equates to two semesters. The initial loading of the system with data takes place at the commissioning of the system. A complete schedule is as below. Period/TimeActivityDescription November 2011 Acquisition of use ¬ful Resources. This involves collecting the useful facts from the ministry of Trade November 2011Databases Design Building individual databases, tables and individual record sets and loading with sample test data. December 2011 o January 2012Defining Record setsInvolves defining relations of data within various databases and means of accessing them February 2012Creating a Graphi ¬cal User InterfaceInvolves creating user inter ¬face that users of the system will use to search for information March 2012TestingInvolves testing the system with sample data and correcting any anomalies especially in the database design if any. April 2012Loading DatabasesInvolves cleari ng databases with test data and loading with actual data. May 2012Commissioning the System This involves deployment of the system, hosting it so that it can be accessed by anybody. Table 1) Project schedule 4. 1. 2 PROJECT BUDGET PARTICULARSQUANTITYUNIT PRICE (Kshs)TOTAL COST(Kshs) 1Transport 5000 2Storage devices flash drive, CDs2 GB Flash Drive 2 Compact Disks 1,000 252,000 50 3Printing expenses1000 4Stationery2 A4 Books 2 pens 100 25200 50 5Computer Machine and softwareAvailable but limited 6Internet costs 2000 7Airtime6000 TOTALKshs 16,300 Table 2) project budget 4. 1. 3 REFERENCES ?Ministry of Trade Strategic Plan 2008-2012. ?Hawryszkiewycz, I. (1998), Introduction to System Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall, Australia. How to cite Project Proposal for Ministry of Trade Web Portal, Papers

Significance of a Learning Management System For Employee

Question: Discuss about theSignificance of a Learning Management System For Employee. Answer: Project Context I am currently pursuing my studies in engineering management and would like to work on a project that helps me learn and contribute better to this field of work. I want to grow as a professional in the field of management of engineering and IT. Professionalism can have several definitions based on the choice of profession or industry. For instance, a person working in a manufacturing industry would be considered as a professional when the same is shown by him or her while working on the job with an organization. The profile differences may also cause differences in expectations for professionalism. Within a single industry, company or profession, there can be different interpretations of professionalism. For instance, a person involves in physical logistics may be considered professional if safety of goods as well as human resources is well taken care of while a person attending customers in a call centre would be seen as a professional service person only when showing responsiveness, friendliness in nature, and speed of resolution. I have the experience of studying engineering which has prepared me to learn and analyse engineering issues quantitatively but when playing a managerial role, I would need to also learn the ability to perform a qualitative analysis on associated managerial problems. This requires a significant transition in the thought process and thus, I choose to take up a project which is into IT but is largely about management as it would help me learn about management practices thereby making my transition from technology student to managerial employee(Dudman Wearne, 2003). Further, while working in any engineering occupation, the engineer also needs to be aware of ethical elements at work and thus, an understanding of management and project based systems would be of great use as they can help one understand the defined set of rules, guidelines, and standards. An engineer or an engineering manager has to follow certain codes of ethics while performing duties at work. An engineer must only work on the area where he or she has a competence and take an objective approach towards development of the same. An engineer must avoid deception which is the ethical responsibilities of a person. In this assignment, I am going to apply the management principles on the case of learning management systems that can be used for training company employees. This would help me learn the fundamentals of management and thus, learn some principles that would help me make me appear professional to others. I propose a research project on learning management systems as it would help me enhance my own knowledge as well as understand ways these systems serve the training requirements of the workforce. The project would also help me perform a critical analysis of the practice such that the opportunities for adoption can be identified. This would also help in achieving my long term career goals that are to become a highly respected and trusted professional engineering manager. I would like to work on this project to learn management principles that would help me in my job application as well as in analyses after adoption. Project Proposal Topic: Significance of a Learning Management System for Employee Background Employees are the key assets of any organization such that the performance of the organization largely depends on their performance. Thus training and development of the employees is of prime important to any organization. However, in traditional methods of training and development, the tasks were very time consuming and costly as the training would either needs other internal employees to divert from their regular work to become trainers as well as it would consume the working time of trainees or an external person may be hired which would be a major cost to the organization. Thus, many organizations have started to adapt to technology solutions like learning management systems that allow employees to take self-learning approach and utilizing e-learning model for personal development. Definitions E-learning: It is a system of pedagogy which is facilitated by the use of technology. There is no single definition that can fit but digital learning, tele-learning, telematics, computer assisted learning, web based learning, distant learning, etc. Can be categorized into e-learning. ICT: Information, Communication, and Technologies Justification Elearning has been widely adopted by organizations worldwide because of multiple benefits they provide. These systems are targeted to deliver lifelong learning to employees, bring productivity improvements, and improve innovation capabilities. However, despite the wide adoption, there are still many organizations that are unable to adapt to such systems because of certain barriers like lack of information, lack of time, difficulties in generating content and cost of initial setup. However, when adopted, e-learning can provide hordes of benefits to these organizations and the subject remains an important area of study(Mentha, 2013). Aim and Objectives Aim of this research is to explore how important are learning management systems for employees of modern organizations. To fulfil this aim, the research would make attempts to achieve following objectives: Explore the drivers and reasons of adoption of LMS systems by organizations for their employees Explore the benefits received by these organization from the use of LMS Identify various learning management systems used by various organizations Explore the barrier to adoption of LMS by remaining organizations Come up with recommendations on adoption of LMS considering the barriers discussed (Mastellari Renegar, 2015) Literature Review Learning has seen adopted fast and is growing in the organizational worldwide. Key drivers that caused this rise in adoption of the elearning systems are globalization, ICT advances and human resource diversity. A major reason behind organizations adopting e-learning systems for their employee learning is that cost effectiveness of the solutions. Moreover, such systems cross the physical boundaries such that learning systems can be delivered to any employees across organization in any location(David, Salleh, Iyahad, 2012). Upgrading of the learning systems is also an added advantage of elearning systems. It appears like a Just-in Time learning delivery such that lessons can be immediately incorporated in the system and can be delivered to the employees next moment. Moreover, learning technologies can fill the gap between learning and work as both uses the similar systems of ICT. In the most dynamically changing global environment, there is a need of rapid changes and rapid training and development adoption which has become possible with e-learning systems. People can be easily trained on new products, technologies, and services. (Young, 2008). An effective training in an organization is designed by going through an organized process of development beginning from need assessment, understanding employee readiness, creation of learning environment, transfer of training, developing evaluation system, learning method selection, and monitoring and evaluation of learning program. For any training to be effective, it is important that employees reach the goals of training, they have measurable objectives, and an effective evaluation system is implemented. With the use of e-learning system, all these elements are already incorporated in the systems that are already developed and available in the market such that organizations can directly adopt them and customize thee same to their requirements or can develop a new learning management system for employees(Noe, 2010). There is a variety of learning management systems that are developed by IT organizations and they can be easily adopted by the organizations worldwide. Many of these systems are cloud based and thus, training deliveries are possible anytime and across international boundaries. Some of the popular e-learning systems used by organizations include 24x7 Learning Learntrak LMS, 4system WBTServer, AccordLMS, TalentLMS, Docebo, Litmos, and more. Each of these learning systems has their own reasons of adoption and benefits to respective organizations. They use standard learning principles and can be customized to the needs of the organizations. Yet, a practice of developing own learning system has been seen in many organizations despite the costs involved as this preserves their learning content as they are the assets to the organization. Moreover, the returns on such investments are promising. Gantt Chart Project Organisation For this research, an organization would be chosen which already has a learning management system implemented for its employees such that the impacts of the system including their benefits can be studied. This organization is HCL Technologies which is an IT consulting organization that operates in over 21 countries worldwide selling technological solution to the corporate. A primary research would be conducted involving employees using LMS system of the company as respondents who would be interviewed to understand how they use the LMS, how they are benefited by the systems and if there are any difficulties that they are facing with the learning systems. Conclusions This report was constructed to propose a research to be conducted on the learning management systems used by organizations worldwide for managing learning of their employees. The purpose of the research would be to understand the significance of this system in the modern organizations. The paper proposes a primary research to be done within one organization to identify the benefits and uses of the system. Further, it also involves a secondary literature study of barriers to adoption as well as available solutions such that recommendations can be made on adoption of LMS for organizations that are new to these systems. References Achtmeyer, W. F. (2008). Continuous Process Improvement at Deere Company. Tuck School of Business. Chandra, P., Sastry, T. (1998). Competitiveness Of Indian Manufacturing: Findings of the 1997 Manufacturing Futures Survey . Vastrapur, Ahmedabad : Indian Institute of Management . Clark, C., Geer, T., Underhill, B. (1996). The Changing Of Australian Manufacturing. Commonwealth of Australia. David, O., Salleh, M., Iyahad, N. (2012). The Impact of E-learning in Workplace: Focus on organizations and healthcare environments. International Araab Journal of E-technologies, 203-210. Dudman, A., Wearne, S. H. (2003). Professional Engineers Needs for Managerial Skills and Expertise . EMTA. Gershon, M. (2007). Choosing Which Process Improvement Methodology to Implement. 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Monday, May 4, 2020

Interpersonal Communication Skills Emotional Intelligence

Question: Discuss about the Interpersonal Communication Skillsfor Emotional Intelligence. Answer: In Business Communication module, we got a chance to learn about many topics such as, different models of communication, organizational communication, emotional intelligence, interpersonal communication, intercultural communication, assertive behaviours, emotional intelligence, etc. However out of all the topics I would say I liked Interpersonal Communication the most. In interpersonal communication topic I got a chance to learn many different aspects from understanding interpersonal to nonverbal communication. When two persons come in contact with each other, they generally use communication in order to influence understand each other (Planetree, 2008). Interpersonal communication is a transactional process which takes place when two persons use non-verbal verbal messages to build an understanding to create an impact on each other, so that a relationship can be managed. It is also a process where in two individuals sends receives messages to one another at the same point of time. As we talk to a person, we respond to the persons non vernal messages (Collins, 2009). The key features of interpersonal communication consist of the source, the receiver, message, communication channel, noise, feedback context (Pierre, 2012). The Source is a person who has a feeling or thought in the mind that he intends to express it to the other person. Receiver is the person who would be listing to the message. Message could be sent either verbally or non-verbally. Verbal message included use of language and non-verbal message can be non-language based i.e. through postures, eye contact, etc. Chanel is the pathway by which a message travels from the source to the receiver (Arnold UKB, 2003). Noise is anything which interferes or misrepresents the communication process (Johns, 2004). Feedback is nothing but the nonverbal or verbal responses given by the receiver to the source. Context is referred as physiological, historical physical communication environment. All the communications happen in some or the other context and this context affect how persons communicate (Swanson, 1993). The reason why I found Interpersonal Communication topic, the most interesting topic from the rest of the topics in Business Communication module is because these skills gained are life skills. Irrespective of the field I study or my professional or personal goals, I will be using these interpersonal communication skills learned from this business communication module in my daily life. Like most of the people, I also depend on number of relationships to get through my day. At work, I need my co-workers managers to assist me in attaining my set objectives goals. At home, I require members of my family to offer me with the emotional support to take part in managing the house perhaps my grandparents. In college, I want my professors to depart me with the skills information with further directions to help me in completing the assigned tasks. I require my friends to embrace me in the social activities, so that I dont feel left out. Communication is a massive part of what makes each o f these relationships work. Without having communication, our relationships will fade ultimately will come to an end (Web, 2011). Developing interpersonal communication skills will not only keep me stay psychologically physically healthy but also they will help me at my work at home. This is the reason I refer to these skills as life time skills (Parker, 2006). Developing interpersonal skills will help me in my present future professional career in the following ways: Developing interpersonal communication skills will enhance the quality of my physical health. The people who have well developed interpersonal communication skills are tend to be healthier than people who are having less developed interpersonal skills (Bach, 2009). The researches have depicted that development of interpersonal skills results in reduction of loneliness it is positively related to a number of psychological physical issues. Even though, being in a committed relationship or being a married there are numerous challenges, the data from the researches have constantly shown that people who are committed in a relationship are healthier and live longer, than people who are single (Leonard Bonacum, 2004). Developing interpersonal communication skills will enhance the quality of my personal life. According to research data, parents who tend to share their feelings thoughts with their kids also have kids who are socially, academically emotionally well adjusted. A survey was conducted, where people were asked the question what makes them happier? and the top answer was spending time with family. The people were happiest when they get a chance to spend time with family and friends rather than going on a trip, buying a car or having lots of money (Ashurst, 2010). Developing interpersonal communication skills will enhance the quality of my professional lie. Now days the workforce is rising more diverse there is an increasing requirement for people having well versed interpersonal communication skills, those individuals that can work with different kind of people. Researchers suggest that by the year 2040, whites will make up only 44 percent of the US population blacks will make-up 17 percent of the population. Hispanics, that make about 17 percent of the US population in 2011, will account to 30 percent in 2040. The Asian percentage in US population is currently about 4p percent is predicted to be increased to 11 percent by 2040 (Boud Walker, 1997). As the workplace is becoming more diverse, there will be a need of comfortable working with others who are unlikely us in numerous crucial ways. Our colleagues might have a different belief system that mine. They might not share my values attitudes. Their life experiences would be possibly diffe rent from my experiences. With the help of my strong interpersonal communication skills Ill be able to appreciate their distinctive qualities while also being able to classify common interests goals. According to a recent recruiters survey from organizations having more than 70,000 employees. Interpersonal communication skills were cited as the single most crucial unique factor while hiring a new colleague. Also, good interpersonal communication skills provide us with the ability to work with diverse workforce, which is the main factor that contributes to the success in a job (Jasper, 2003). References Arnold, E. and U. K. B. (2003).Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses(4th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Saunders. Ashurst, A. T., S. (2010).Communication, communication, communication.Nursing and Residential Care, 12(3), 140-142. Bach, S. a. G., Alec. (2009).Communication and interpersonal skills for nurses. Exeter: Learning Matters. Boud, D., Keogh, R, Walker D. (1997).Reflection: Turning experience into learning. London: Kogan Page Collins, S. (2009).Good communication helps to build a therapeutic relationship. Retrieved from Jasper, M. (2003).Beginning reflective practice: Foundations in nursing and healtcare. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes. Johns, C. (2004).Becoming a reflective practitioner(2nd ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. Leonard, M., Graham, S.,Bonacum D. (2004).The human factor: The critical importance of effective teamwork and communication in providing safe care.Qual Saf Health Care, 13, 85-90. Parker, M. (2006).Aesthetic ways in day-to-day nursing. London: Sage Publications. Pierre, A.-J. (2012). Transitions in nursing: Up-level your career, your income, your life.Retrieved from Planetree. (2008).Practical approaches for building a patient-centered culture.Patient-Centered Care Improvement Guide. Retrieved, Swanson, K. (1993).Nursing as informed caring for the well-being of others.Journal of nursing scholarship, 25(4), 352-357. Webb, L. (2011).Introduction to communication skills for nursing practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.